What would you do if your bff was this mad about you being pregnant?


So I recently told my friend I’m pregnant 🤰 We have been best buds since middle school. So a little background on my friends...she has one little boy and has had 4 mc since in the past 6years. I have 2 boys and am pregnant with my 3rd little boy. Ever since I told my friend I’m pregnant she has been pissed off, very short, and every time I text her she barely responds. I posted my announcement on fb and also sent it to her and I didn’t even get a congrats or anything. How am I to handle this? It just really hurts my feeling she can’t be the least bit happy for me. She is suppose to be my best friend. I’ve always supported her and have been there for her when she has gone through her struggles. It boggles my mind she can’t be this pissed off at me for something that’s a good thing. What should I do?