
Ladies.. HOW!? My twins are 6 months old today.

Not sure what to update on. I am still EBF. 💪 they are really stretching out the feedings lately and it's nice. Thinking about weaning but then also not because it's such a nice bond with my boys. They are still sleeping through the night and I have them on a pretty consistent 2 nap schedule through the day + 1 cat nap in the evening. They are identical but have such different personalities. They both are big mommas boys though.

They have ate rice cereal once and my twin b loved it but twin a flipped the spoon out of the bowl.

Unfortunately there is still a witching hour and the mom guilt continues because when they both cry I have to choose one to soothe first. This stage is hard with teething, growing, and not being as mobile yet.

They are also starting to sit up with support and also scoot around the floor.

Anyway. Here are my red head identical cuties!
