Posted else where , just frustrated and need advice

- okay so my bf and I have been at odds for about 3 days .. the reason we have been at odds is because I don’t feel like he’s making enough time for me ... he feels like I’m being a nag , maybe that is so .. but the only reason I call so much is because he so distant lately .. we talked about it and he says he wants me in his life and he don’t wanna break up .. he just used to being alone .. he hasn’t been in a relationship in a couple of years .. am I tripping for feeling neglected , all I ultimately wanna do is feel wanted and desired .. should I just cut him off completely or should I bare with him like he asked me too .. ?? Or does it seem as if he’s cheating .. he texts me every day , it’s just through out the day he’s barely texting or calling .. he says he be with his homies and he don’t really like talking on the phone .. I just feel

Like if he don’t want me to nag he gonna have to communicate better 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️