Getting nervous 😩

Favi • Baby boy arrived 07/12/2019 💙 First time mom❤️

Any other first time moms starting to get a little scared that their baby is almost here? My husband and I were trying a year before we got pregnant so we couldn’t be happier! Now that our son is coming right around the corner I’m starting to get very scared. I keep thinking about how my body is going through so much now and how it doesn’t stop even after he’s here and having to take care of our newborn baby for the first time at the same time is becoming super overwhelming. Anyway, I know once I see his face and hold him all of these feelings will go away. I just needed to vent really if any other FTM are feeling the same way feel free to comment. I definitely don’t want to feel alone on this, I know I’ll be a great mom some words of encouragement would really help!