Help about loosing weight


Hello ladies, i have always been under weight till i became a mum, i am a stay at home mum for nearly 3 years. I stress eat im afraid, i eat healthy food every day buut when i am really stressed i eat whatever my husband has in the fridge or pantry thats not healthy like chocolate, ice cream. I dont drink soft drinks mainly water or tea with no sugar, my toddler has been ill so i have put on a bit of too much weight, i should be 60 kg or 65 max but im around 73, last week i managed to control my snacking and am down to 70kg but i ate a cheese stick a piece of chocolate and a eggo. Any help on how to try and curb my stress eating? By the way i do yoga, body pump and piyo normaly( i have been ill for a month and now my son is ill so havent been to the gym.) Sorry about this post being over the place. Thank you