Muslim girl & a Christian bf

Any Muslim women on here who have had experiences dating non Muslim men? Or gotten married to one?

I was raised Muslim but I’m not practicing (no judgement please) and I met my boyfriend two years ago, he’s a Christian but also non practicing. Religion matters to my family and so far my mom has been extremely unaccepting of my relationship and I’m worried about our future together. But religion matters to neither of us so It’s frustrating that i have to pretend it does just for my parents approval.

I don’t want to lose him but I also don’t want to lose my family over this. I know in my heart I want to marry him and have a family and a life together I’m just worried about how our families will mix... can anyone give me some advice? Thanks ❤️

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All I can say is to try to talk to your mom. It must be hard for her to see that you have a non muslim boyfriend and you’re not practicing. Of course it is your choice, but I recommend you try to put your moms heart at ease. Try to let her know how you feel about everything that’s going on and also ask her how she feels. Start off slow! I would also recommend your boyfriend talks to her! I wish you the best!


Posted at
Man that sounds sad hope it works out for you