Losing weight from mono?

I've been sick for just over 2 weeks now, and my doctor is sure that I have mono, although we're still waiting on the blood test results to know for sure. (I get the results in 2 days) Most of the symptoms have lessened, except I've had a severely decreased appetite. It got to the point middle of last week where I was literally exhibiting symptoms of starvation because I couldn't eat for days. I've been better now, eating consistently daily, although still less than before I got sick.

My main concern is the weight I've lost since getting sick. I log my weight daily (just to keep a record of the patterns for future reference) I've been at a steady 139/140lbs the last year or so, up until 15 days ago. Today I weighed in at 121lbs, and I'm worried that I'm losing too much weight too quickly, especially since my BMI has been on the low end in the first place most of my life even sitting at 140 before.

I'm trying to get my stomach back under control and eat more/eat healthy, but I'm still feeling slightly nauseous and barely hungry. I'm ending up forcing myself to eat...

Has anyone else had Mono or gotten sick and lost this much weight, even when actively not trying to? How long will this last?