BC Pills Tri-VyLibra

Hello, has anyone ever tried Tri-Vylibra BC pills. I am not going to lie, I am so scared to start taking any kind of BC. I am hoping this will help give me some kind of peace of mind as I can’t find a lot of reviews on it and the reviews I have found of course are horrible and people saying to never use it etc.

I am getting married in October and I have been all sorts of stressed with normal life stresses and wedding stresses amongst other things. With that being said, my lovely cycle decided to go crazy and it moved my period to the week of our honeymoon which I personally do not want to deal with that, which is a big reason why I wanted to try BC so that I could skip my period that month and of course, we don’t want any honeymoon babies, respectfully hehe!

Any reviews would be so helpful and much appreciated! 💕