Ugh jealous 😭

Hayley • Luke 7/15/17; Colt 6/14/19; #boymom 💙💙

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy for all you who’ve had your June babies already in May, but damn am I jealous! The more I get on here (cause let’s face it, at this point we all get on and stare at the calendar as if that will bring on labor😆) the more jealous and upset I get seeing at least one new birth a day. Especially when some of y’all were due well after me! I just keep telling myself only 10 more days, but then I start thinking what if this one comes super later and I go all the way to 41 weeks?! 😭😩😔 I’m so uncomfortable, can’t sleep and just ready to have my body back to myself so I can do normal activities! And I really want to cuddle my baby!!

But seriously, congrats to all of you who’ve had your babies already! Hoping everyone is healthy and happy!