We need some SPICE

My fiancé and I have been together for almost three years. We have three children. Two from my first marriage but their dad is no longer in the picture.

After our baby was born I suffered PPD/PPA and our entire relationship suffered from it. He stayed with me through the manic fits of rage and depression. And now I’m coming out of that cloud.

Our sex life is great. We satisfy each other very well in that department. But it’s all kind of scheduled. Work. Come home. Kids. Bed. Once in bed make love and then go to sleep.

I’m starting to want more. Some kind of excitement. Some kind of spark.

Today is his birthday and we had awesome sex last night! I got to work still thinking about it this morning. So I texted him and suggested that we both go home “sick” and make love all day while the kids are at school and the babysitters. We wouldn’t have to worry about anyone walking in or the baby crying or being quiet.

He said, well I’m already driving this hot truck. Then basically said “it’s a sexy idea but no”

I don’t know how else’s to tell him I need more. Some change to the routine. Some thrill. Something.

What should I do?