Super disappointed


My husband and I just started trying to ttc again. Well Tuesday I started having super bad pain in my tummy. It got worse throughout the day so finally that afternoon I went to the er. They did a CT scan on me. My results came back that my appendix was enlarged and I had a ovarian cyst that was pretty big, bigger than my ovary itself. They kept me overnight for observation and I was to see the surgeon in the morning to get his opinion. The surgeon came in and said he didn’t like that my appendix was enlarged and we were going to surgery. At 4pm yesterday I went in and had my appendix removed. He also took out the ovarian cyst and apparently I had a hernia he fixed as well. He also said he sent off the cyst to the lab to be tested to make sure it wasn’t cancerous.

I’m honestly doing better than I thought I would. I’m not in near as much pain as I thought.

I’m disappointed though because I just know this is going to put our ttc on hold for the moment. I actually need to go back and see my obgyn here sometime next week to make sure that I don’t have any new growth on my ovaries.