maybe someone can help??

okay so my boyfriend and i have been trying to conceive for about a couple months now and yesterday was the start of my period, i missed it but have been having pregnancy symptoms like crazy, my boyfriend also noticed my boobs have gotten bigger which has NEVER happened before. my left boob is bigger than the right and right above my nipple there’s a big bump that’s hard and you can definitely feel them and notice the difference and feel the bump without searching for it.. i just started my period today, just a little blood in my underwear this morning, put a tampon in and checked it after 2 hours with very little blood on it and i have SEVERE stomach cramps... again i have never gotta cramps this bad either i have been lucky enough to barely ever have cramps and if i do they aren’t bad enough for me to have to sit down and rub my stomach bc it’s in so much pain... hopefully someone has went through this and knows more about this than i do.. i have also made an appointment with my ob just want to know if anyone knows anything about how i’m feeling!!