Everyone in my life

Is telling me I’m not allowed to leave my abuser. Including my own mother. A therapist I fired, and my psychiatrist ( she “thought group therapy would help me learn to accept I’m in an abusive relationship for life”). Wtf. No one will even give me support in words or thoughts that I want to leave. My mom tries to pretend it’s not abuse and it’s not on purpose and that I just have to accept the way he treats me cause he has issues. What do I do? Has anyone else been in the situation. His abuse normallly is yelling 50% of the day every day no matter what as well as attempt to crash the car w me in it and then narrowly miss the crash. His super controlling he won’t let me

Pee when I get home w groceries until I put everything away. If I pee first I get a good yelling at. Couples doesn’t work at all in fact it may make him worse. What do you do when no one in your life is willing to accept even in words that you want to make a plan to leave.