Trying not to get my hopes up..

** a little background first **

My husband and I have been married for 4 years. We decided to wait on kids until we could get some finances in order.

Well, we are finally there. We decided to start trying for a baby in April. The month went by; no baby. May came around and my husband had some health issues and spent some time in the hospital. We decided to pause on trying for May so he could heal.

Well, now he is better. And I am late.

I was supposed to start my cycle on 5/28.

We haven’t really gotten back into “trying”, so this is definitely new for me. I NEVER am late.

I said all that to say...

We are going to take a test this weekend!!

So, fingers crossed, baby dust, prayers, etc.. send them my way!!!


I took a test Friday, May 31st that came out positive! We are going to have a baby!!!

I am almost 5 weeks, and my first appt is in July!