Think I'm starting a mc.. have a long history of them


Trying not to worry but I cant help it. I've lost a hand full of kids.. I'm 5 weeks one day... lmp april24 heavy bleeding with clots during 2 week wait. Bfp 4 pink dye one blue and first response digital bfp.. 3 days ago I had light pink spotting. Only when wiping. Just twice. Next day had cramps in am. And notice I have caught a cold. I doubled intake of fluids and ate a little more. In Hope's it would help.. that same afternoon I went to pee and pink drops of blood where hitting the water. I wiped it's on there too. So i relax chalk it up to more implantation.. that nig hr not dripping as bad but went from pink to red. Small drops for about 4 hours. Leg cramps sickness pai. And light cramps. This morning lot more pink when pee and wiping.. stopped for a hour light cramps leg pain. Not feeling as bad from cold today. But I'm so worried I can't go to dr till ins goes through. Cant go to er till bleeding is heavy.. with my history of mcs I'm afraid. So if my husband.. hes doing everything to help ease my mind but in the back of my head just like how I new I was pregnant already.. it's there bugging me.. idk what to do.