Small accident


Today I dropped my SO off at work only half a mile away. On my way back I was going to turn left with no turning lane and I had to stop to wait on a car. I was compmetly stopped and I didn't slam on the breaks or anything when I was hit from behind. I was scared for my baby and couldn't find my phone. Luckily the police and ambulance showed up in a reasonable amount of time and the officer called my SO work to get him and his dad to come drive my car. My car would be drivable except the back bumper is squished into the tire. We went to the hospital to check on the baby. After some monitoring they let me go, baby is fine, I'm just sore and I found out I'm having inconsistent contractions. I find this the most helpful to know because I had been feeling them just didn't know that they were contractions because they didn't hurt. Now I'm resting and waiting for the insurance to call back. I have a Dr appointment in the morning, I'm just greatful to God that me and baby are alright and we have family to help up out right now.