Switching From Breast to Formula


Ladies I’m 10.5 weeks pregnant and my OBGYN just told me I have to quit nursing my almost 8 month old. The OB said I need to talk to my sons pediatrician about how to transition him into the formula... but we don’t have health insurance right now, and we can’t afford to take him to a pediatrician. So I’m asking other mommy’s advice. How did you do this? A feeding a week? A couple feedings a week?

He’s already cut 3 feedings to replace them with baby food, but he’s still nursing once in the morning, around 11 am, between 2 and 3pm, at 7-7:30pm and then before bed around 10.

Where would you start?

I am weaning him because the doctor told me I don’t have to nutrients in my body to take care of both babies. Please don’t comment about it being unnecessary or me being selfish. I am already heartbroken that I have to do this to him, and I don’t need to feel any worse than I already do.