15 and pregnant. Help!

So I’m 2 weeks pregnant. Me and my boyfriend are always safe. I’m on the pill and we used a condom but it broke so I went to the clinic and got the morning after pill and I was told I would be fine. But here we are. I’m too young to have a baby I can’t even look after myself properly. I want to get rid of it but I don’t know how to. And how do I tell my boyfriend and parents? Yes I am positive that I’m pregnant and can someone describe how planned parenthood works.

UPDATE: The clinic said that it was just a measure that they wanted to take and I’ve taken 2 clear blue tests and they both came back with 1-2 weeks pregnant.

UPDATE: Just in case people are wondering I live in the uk and the nearest place to me is about an hour away. Also does anyone have any tips on how to tell the boyfriend because that’s my main issue.

UPDATE I told my boyfriend and he told me to get rid of it we tried talking about other options but he wouldn’t budge and said that if I had it it would fuck us and him up and my dad was really upset with me but hadn’t told my mum yet and I haven’t told my step dad either.