

Is back pain normal it’s not like a really bad pain it’s just kinda like a pinch.. I’m 10 weeks

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Very very normal. I experienced this too and was a bit painful. Sitting or even laying down didn’t really help. I used a heating pad that helped a little bit. Sometimes mine even switched sides. It’s because of all the hormones being released and your ligaments are loosening and your body preparing for birth! ☺️


Posted at
I’ve had a crap load of back pain off and on pinching, aching any kind lol since 5 weeks. I’m almost 13 and saw baby today. All is great. :)


Posted at
I’ve had bad back pain for the last 3 weeks or so. I’m 12 weeks and saw baby just 2 days ago and everything is looking good. From what I’ve been told by an osteopath is its completely normal- your cervix or maybe uterus is softening so all the muscles around it are compensating. It can be really painful!! My back has ceased up a few times and I’ve been stuck on the toilet 😐