Am I being overprotective??


I am currently 31+5 and I am due July 27th. My husband seems to think I am being over protective over our baby because I don’t want to bring him to his family reunion in mid September. It’s like a 2 1/2 hour drive from where we live, and it’s always so so hot outside since we live in MS. We got in a whole argument about that because his grandpa said he expects us to be there with our baby... I told him his grandpa was trippin if he thinks I’m bringing my brand new baby to be passed around people we see once a year... especially since I’m going to be breast feeding and I would rather not feel super uncomfortable while doing so.

Also, we got invited to go to Disney World in mid November with some friends and my husband is mad that I don’t want to go. I told him our baby is too small to be wheeled around DW with all these random people and their nasty germs. I already stress out at Disney as is. I can only imagine going with an infant. My husband says our baby cant live in a bubble forever...

Am I being over protective or irrational?