
I’ve been TTC for over a year now. A month ago I got diagnosed with PCOS, hence why I haven’t been able to conceive. I’ve always had irregular periods and usually have to take Provera to even get a period in the first place.

My doctors prescribed to Provera to regulate my period and then Femara to help with ovulating. They messed up the perception and only gave me 5 pills instead of the 10 I need so that I can take two a day cycle days 3-7. Because of this I’m not sure if it will take any affect. It’s only a dosage of 2.5, so does anyone have any advice? Or any tips on OPK tests? When and how many I should take?

And if anyone has any advice for someone with PCOS? Remedies? Natural aids? Tips and tricks to conceiving? Anything at all would be helpful 🌱✨