Femara: A New Hope!

I just got diagnosed with PCOS at 28 years old (12 years of symptoms) after seeking <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>. We’d been trying for years with no results and got slapped with the big ol’ “INFERTILE” diagnosis by my primary care. I was absolutely devastated because I did not fully understand what it meant. But our hope bucket has been filled again now that we’ve met my new ob/gyn! He knew right away what was going on and set me up on a simple plan that he seems very confident will work. It includes taking Femara on cycle days 5 through 9, and guys.... today is day 5! I’m nervous and excited, which is a nice change from feeling pretty hopeless about it all. Just thought I’d share my excitement to those who really understand 😊💕

Is anyone else on Femara during their ttc journey?