Never knew I would be this sad 😢


My daughter turned one on the 11th. She has been getting whole milk during the day and nursing morning, early evening and at bedtime. For the last week she has slowly been becoming less interested in nursing. She would only really “drink” twice a day, while the other time I’d attempt to nurse her she would just play but not actually drink any breast milk. Then today she wants nothing to do with nursing. After I put her to bed a little while ago, I broke down bawling 😭 I’m not ready to be done with breastfeeding. She has really become independent since her birthday. It’s like she woke up one morning and decided she wants to be a big kid. She won’t nap on me anymore, when it’s time to go to bed she literally pushes off of her dad or I to go in her crib and now this. I just feel like it’s all too much too fast for me to accept. I’m so proud of how amazingly smart and independent she is, but I’m not ready for my baby to be a toddler.