
After many negative test and many many tears, we are finally getting baby #2!! We started trying for baby #2 after my son turned 1 but it never happened. My son is 5 now and I thought I wouldn't be able to have anymore children. At the beginning of this year I made it my goal to get my body healthier and ready for a baby. I started working out and eating healthier. Drinking lots of water, taking vitamins, collagen, and bone broth protein. I also think that putting my phone away and staying off social media helped alot. I spent more time with myself, reading, taking walks, working on my garden, and prayer. After 5 months of making changes and sticking to it, I started feeling better emotionally and physically. Alot of of my PCOS symptoms are gone. I feel great and I'm glad I made this choice for my baby and me. ❤️ Hugs to you if you are trying to have a baby with PCOS. I know how frustrating and sad it can be. Don't give up.