Heart rate 44 last week 77 this week. Still too low and told to expect MC. Follow up US next week. How do I survive this week wait?

Elizabeth • Mommy to 3 angel babies and my rainbow baby 🌈

These 2 weeks have been pure hell and torture. I'm now 8 weeks and 5 days. 2 weeks ago I had an ultrasound and they found a low fetal hb of 44 and told me to expect a MC. Another week goes by without bleeding and I had another US yesterday and saw barely any development and a hb of 77. Was told the same thing..to wait another week and come back and to expect MC. I feel like I'm losing my mind. After waiting around for basically 2 weeks, I've already accepted this as a loss and I'm ready for this to be over with. My Dr says there's nothing they can do until there's no heartbeat. Has this happened to anyone else? Being in limbo for this long?