Help! Baby crying when I put nipple in mouth!

Savannah • 25 | married 💍 | girl mommy

My daughter is almost 3 months old. Tonight when I gave her the bottle, I burped her, then when I went to return the bottle to her mouth she started crying really hard. She wouldn’t take the bottle and only calmed down when I removed it. I have no clue what it could be. Could it be teething?? Only other teething symptom is she chews on her hand all the time, but I thought that was just her exploring.

Could it also be nipple size? She uses size 1 right now in Dr. Browns and it says to change to size 2 at 3 months.

She’s not showing any other symptoms. She was happy and talking after I got her to finish bottle and fell asleep 20 minutes later.

Please help! FTM here