Should I get a second opinion..?


Kind of long but please read if you have time. ❤️

I’m currently almost 19 weeks pregnant with my second. When I found out I was around 4 weeks, and ever since then I’ve been bleeding off and on between dark brown almost black to bright red then back and fourth. It’s literally been happening since week 4. With tons of doctor visits and ultrasounds the doctor said it was a peri gestational bleed which is kind of like the hematoma bleed I guess? Anyways she said by the second tri it normally absorbs back into the uterus. She basically explained it was normal and baby is healthy. Fast forward past many more bleeds plus appts, I came in the 23rd for my anatomy US. I came in bleeding knowing they’d see a bleed on the US. sure enough there was, and the doctor said it had shrunk about 60% since my 12 week US. I was super excited thinking I might be done bleeding soon! Well it’s the 30th and I’m still bleeding. I’m on day 8 of this “bleed cycle” is what I’m calling them. What’s different around this time though is last night I had what I thought were Braxton Hicks. My stomach would tighten and ease off giving me a chance to switch positions. I wasn’t in extreme pain but was very uncomfortable. I drank lots of water and did all the things your supposed to. They came almost every 5 minutes. I thought maybe baby was sticking it’s feet out or butt but they wouldn’t stop. As this was going on, I was bleeding bright red and could feel it coming out. This whole last week has been insane. I’ve woke up to bloody shorts, I’ve bled through pads. If the bleeding is turning brown and red then back to brown and so on doesn’t that mean something is opening back up to cause a bleed? I go to the doctors tomorrow to do a check on baby, but I’m really becoming concerned. I get that people can have good outcomes, but I just have an awful feeling and wondering if the bleeding will ever stop. My mom told me I should see another doctor but I’m almost 20 weeks and don’t know if i can? Another problem is my OBGYN is very busy and I typically feel really rushed there with everything. I get typical protocol but I get worried I’m not being taken seriously with all this...

Thank you for reading. ❤️ just a very concerned mama..