Breaking the swaddle at 7.5 months.

I know, I know. Mom shame me.

For starters my son doesn’t roll back to front. He can and has a couple times, but just doesn’t. His pediatrician isn’t concerned with that.

Anyways, he cant sleep without the swaddle. He uses a paci to fall asleep and while he’s drifting off he’ll pull it out and then wake up all of the way. He loves to be confined with his arms down.

But I know I need to just bite the bullet and stop swaddling since he’s getting bigger and older and will soon start crawling and probably rolling around more.

So. I know I’ll probably get a lot of shame, but does anyone have any suggestions how to wean him off? Or any tips if you did it cold turkey?

Anyone else swaddle this late in the game??

He’s currently sleeping in a deep sleep and I just took the Velcro swaddle off and he stayed asleep, so here’s to hoping he doesn’t notice for a while.