Am I wrong

When I get money I always like to spend money on him I have spent massive amount of money like I bought him a 700 dollar phone because I just felt like it and wanted to be nice. Then I bought him an Xbox 1 which was 200 dollars. Those are the high priced items I couldn’t tell you how much money I spent on him for clothing. It’s ridiculous. I’m 18 and he’s 17 I buy him whatever because I love him and we have been together for 2 years now. The most expensive thing that he has bought me would have to be a 65 dollar ring. Not saying it’s money involved but every time he gets paid it’s always about him and how he’s going to better himself. He says he doesn’t have money etc but then will proceed to buy 5-7 shirts that he likes for himself that is like 30 dollar each. I mean I’m okay with him bettering himself because I want him to have the very best but I’m not his mom and I’m not his sugar mama. He degraded me as a person and it his disrespectful. He will make fun of my insecurities and then proceed to act like everything is normal. He gets paid more than minimum wage but expects me to give him things. He always borrows money from me and his mom always. He yelled at me for spending MY OWN MONEY on MYSELF because it was dumb of me to do so. But he can go out and buy 50 dollars worth of green tea. I bought personal items for myself and make up how is that buying dumb stuff? Idk what to do anymore I literally have nobody to talk to anymore because I lost all of my friends because of him I can’t vent anymore to my besties because they are long gone at this point. My family loves him but they only know one side of him. Am wrong for feeling like I shouldn’t do anything anymore?

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