Is it legit...


So a couple weeks ago after my fiance and I had sex during my most fertile days, I started getting sharp shooting cramps. Well they went away a day or so later. Yesterday, something in me told me to take a test because I'm almost a week late even tho I have absolutely NO symptoms of pregnancy. NOTHING other than I'm eating a boat load of food. Well that test popped up positive. So I went back to the store and bought 2 more. Took another one when I got home and I thought it was faulty because the control line never showed up and only half of a negative showed up. I was gonna wait until morning to take the 3rd one but I got too antsy so I took it before I went to bed and that was positive as well. Well when I went to grab my last test, I noticed the "faulty" one I took, turned positive with the control line there as well. Does that one count? I'm just mainly asking because I have zero symptoms. Doctor ordered me blood work for today to check my levels so fingers crossed!!!!

*first one (purple top) is my first test*

*middle test is the faulty test*

*third one (on the left) is the one before bed*