Echogenic intracardiac focus


We had our anatomy scan yesterday at 18w6d. Baby girl measured perfectly, she was right at average on all accounts. We did Panorama at 10 weeks and were low risk all across the board. As we are leaving the office, my doctor comes out and says, I have to bring you back into the room, it’s not anything bad I’m just obligated to tell you. She proceeds to tell us that a spot was seen on baby’s heart (echogenic intracardiac focus or EIF). It can be a soft marker for chromosomal abnormalities, especially when combined with other markers. However, she said since we have the negative genetic testing and it was the only abnormality on the scan, it should be considered a normal variant. She does not recommend any follow up and will carry out my prenatal care as normally planned. She also said she wishes she didn’t have to tell patients because all it does is invoke anxiety. Well, it’s all I can think about. Everything I have read is so reassuring but why is it all I am focused on? I feel like it completely overshadowed the other great results. 😞