Tired of everyone’s opinions!

Eleni • Married. Mom & Stepmom ♥️

I’m a traveler. I’m 18 weeks and have been across the country three times in the past six weeks. I’ll be out of state next week for a wedding and in Europe when I’m 21 weeks for vacation. My baby shower is at 31 weeks across the country (I just moved where I live) and was planning on flying to another state at 32 weeks to see my husband’s family for the last time before heading home. And people will not stop telling me not to do all this! It’s getting on my last nerve.

This may be a lot to some people but A. It’s my body and my baby and B. As long as I keep checking up with my doctor (who is fine with it), that should be all that matters.

Thanks for listening to my rant lol!