Work Stress!!! Ranting

Omg work has been just brutal. I teach preschool and I have some new very high needs children in my classroom. All day long my stress level is at a 10. I also haven't had time at work to eat properly. I only get a 45 min lunch during a 8.5 hr work day. Our break is tacked on to our lunch because its easier to maintain staff child ratio's and it common practice. I used to have time to sit with my kids and eat when they eat but with my kids I'm on my feet constantly. The one child is constantly punching other children, spitting, yelling, and trying to leave the classroom so I'm chasing him down constantly. I'm usually super cool and calm, a pro with high needs children but he makes me want to cry right now. I feel so defeated when I ask him to put on his shoes and he spits at me and runs away. I have 6 more weeks of work and I don't know how I'm going to make it. I keep eating like shit also because when I get home I just want to cry and sleep.