
I dont mind at all having visitors in the hospital when our baby is born. BUT there are certain people I dont want there. Period. I already have my support people that will be there. BUT I am totally worried that others will come. I need a way to tell people i flat out dont want them visiting. With my first born 2 years ago everybody and their mother came. 3 of which are heavy smokers and brought there sick child with them. I dont want to go through it again. But even after that experience i still dont know if i should say anything. My mother in law is a heavy smoker and everyone in her family is. Personally I dont want her there but I'm guilted into it because she missed out on her first grandchilds birth. My hubby doesnt want her there. So now I feel the decision is all on my shoulders. I'm being induced Monday and avoided telling most people. So as you can tell, I'm FREAKING OUT. we have a sitter arranged for our 2 year old and mother in law will be pissed we didnt ask her first. She lives a few hours away so we are also guilted into figuring out where she will stay. Honestly this is all too much for our family to worry about. Idk what to do anymore I feel like I cant make anybody happy and I dont want to cause a family fight.