Bumps on skin



It started as one single bump on his arm, now a couple of days after, new ones are appearing. And I’m one step from freaking out. He doesn’t seem to be in pain, no fever and is being his normal active self. I’m thinking about taking him to see his doctor but I don’t want to over react.

I’m hoping someone here has seem this before and could give me a heads up.

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Posted at
They look like molluscum my spelling is off just don’t pop them and keep them clean when possible of course and use unscented lotions my 7.5yr old has them still occasionally but my 10month old got them at 7months


Ya • Jun 2, 2019
Omg thank you I had no idea that there was such a thing. There is no treatment for it? I’m taking him to the pediatrician tomorrow anyways, but I was just wondering


Posted at
Maybe mosquito bites or heat rash. My daughter has some like that too she got them after playing outside so I figured it was one of the two because it's hot here and the mosquitoes are out.