Apparently, he's ready!! πŸ’™πŸ’™


I'm only 34 weeks, 5 days... But during my appointment today, my OBGYN said that baby boy is measuring at 38 weeks & is a whopping 6lbs already! She's also said that HE CAN COME ANY DAY NOW!! 😁 I'm so excited but nervous at the same time bc I thought I had more time! I don't even have his bassinet set up yet or my hospital bags packed. I'm so far behind! But I guess this is our wake up call. Any day now baby boy, just wait until after my baby shower next Saturday please. 😊 Plus she said that bc I'm a high risk for pre-eclampsia, they're not gonna let me go past 39 weeks anyway if he doesn't come soon. So, fingers crossed. ❀