Husband back to work...

Ive been doing pretty good postpartum. My baby is 10 days old today. The part that really gets me is my husband at work. I cry before he leaves all day while hes gone and as soon as hes home. I hardly do anything all day because baby just wants to be held and snuggled and I dont want to miss out on him being so tiny and precious.

I just missmy hubby so much. And he works a lot because hes a General manager at his store. Sometimes ends up opening-close. He gets home and hes exhausted. I feel so clingy. He tries to help with baby but baby cries and doesnt fall asleep soundly unless I'm holding him on my chest... My husband gets overwhelmed and frustrated at night because theres not much he can do to help me and he usually has to wake up super early.

My mom was coming to help out but we were getting on each other's nerves too much for how often she was coming over.

I just miss him and our alone time. Our little one is too little to have an actual schedule. I feel like i wasnt ready for this and then i feel guilty for feeling that way. I love our babe so much. Im just overwhelmed..