Its finally my turn ❤️❤️🤗🤗

Zue • Mother to a beautiful healthy boy ❤️🥰

My fiancé and I have been trying for almost two years. I was losing hope, I know that there are people that have been trying for years and I truly understand the frustration. I am very irregular due to my weight (I weigh 230 pounds) i try my best to eat healthy, walk as much as I can, eat less carbs, the whole shebang. But my body loves holding on to fat lmao, especially in my thighs.

Well, I never got my period in April, which was normal for me because like I said before I was irregular. So the month of May arrived and mid may I noticed my CM was clear and stretchy. I took an ovulation test and it was positive.

So my and my man BD for two days along with using Preseed. My fertile window was around May 17th, and 18th. I started testing like at around 8 DPO, but the test was a negative. My breast would hurt so bad and I was/am exhausted. So I was already thinking my period should be arriving soon. It has been exactly two weeks. So on Friday May 30th. I had already ran out of pregnancy test so I took an ovulation test because I read they can pick up HCG hormones, and surprisingly the test line came out darker that expected.

I immediately told my fiancé to buy a pregnancy test. And once I took it there was a faint line. Now i did not want to get excited because we have had false positives before. So I asked him to but me another one, and they bother had a faint line.

I ended up buying a First Response Early Detection test and....

🤗🤗🤗 I am over the moon and still in shock. Baby Martinez is on the way, I prayed for this baby, and I hope it sticks. This will be our first child.

I told my mom and she is super excited. I told my brother and he gave me such a heart warming response.
