Scare and a trip to L and D!

Lizzie • Due in July 2019 with our rainbow after a loss on 6-28-18. Blessed with a 2.5 year old, 7 year old and 13 year old. All boys

Yesterday out of nowhere after using the bathroom I felt a gush of wetness in my underwear and I immediately assumed it was pee since this has been happening lately 😄 but when I checked it was bright red blood! I’m 34 weeks and have had zero bleeding or spotting since before I was pregnant so this was definitely alarming for me. I never had any with my son either. The only time I had bleeding during a pregnancy was when I miscarried last summer. Anyways, I called my doctor and he told me the only way to make sure everything was okay was to come in, so we headed up the hospital and spent about an hour and a half there being monitored. Thank god baby checked out fine, they checked my and I was not dilated at all, they said the bleeding could have been from a bunch of different things but that it was most likely fine as long as it didn’t continue to get heavier. Thank god this morning it is almost completely stopped. My blood pressure was through the roof at the hospital yesterday and it honestly was a little bit of a reality check that I need to be ready in case this happens sooner than expected! Time to pack my bags!