
Taylor • Harrison, 12/2019 Everly, 04/2022

So last night my husband and I were laying in bed, getting ready for sleep and were watching tv. Randomly, out of nowhere, I felt a fluttery feeling in my lower left side (slightly to the left, I guess right side if you're looking at me). I described this to my husband as if a bug was under my skin or a butterfly flapped its wings along the inside of my skin. Never felt anything like it. I looked it up on Google and women who have felt flutters from the baby have described it the exact same way!

But here are the two reasons that give me a small amount of doubt:

1. I am only 11 weeks pregnant.

2. The feeling wasn't directly centered. I felt it slightly to one side. Could this still be the baby?

It probably lasted 8 seconds or so.

What do you think it was??