Omg did I just kill my supply?! Help!


My baby boy is now 3 weeks old. Since he was born a little on the early side, he’s gone back and forth between breast and bottle (formula only once a day, any other bottles are expressed). I’ve done this on the recommendations of the pediatricians because we’re waiting to see how his weight does. He’s had no issues going back and forth, no “nipple confusion”, and latches well, and he is predominantly breastfed. I was feeding him on one or both sides, depending on what he wanted, then pumping right after to finish emptying my breasts. After nursing he was satisfied, and usually went right to sleep. I’d be able to get an additional 1-3 oz on each side I pumped AFTER nursing.

He’s had a growth spurt over the last week or so, which has been pretty exhausting for my husband and I, as LO went from nursing every 2-4 hours to every 1.5 hours almost on the dot. Because of that, I started dropping a couple of pump sessions in favor of sleep.

Now I just pumped after her nursed on both sides and barely got an ounce! Way down from the previous output I was getting. So in dropping those pumping sessions, did I just kill my supply?! And how do I get it back?? Help!!