Pregnant or Adjusting to Birth Control?

So I had protected (condom, birth control, and pullout) sex the 8th & 10th. I moved states the 11th. I lost about 5 pounds after moving & around the 23rd, I started experiencing spotting which last until I "started". The spotting was maybe a couple drops of blood or just a little bit of bloody discharge. I took the pregnancy test the 25th & it was a blue dye test which are notoriously bad to have the light blue line even when negative but I thought it was negative along with my roommate. I'm on Nikki birth control which I was on a couple years ago. This birth control only had 4 placebo pills which caused me to have super super light periods that only lasted 2-3 days. Not even a tampon worth of blood. Well I switched birth controls at the beginning of January 2018 and stayed on that one until August 2018. I got on Nikki again this January. At first, my periods were heavy and normal (5-6 days) but this one "started" last night. It's still light (started of brown/light pink blood & now it's more of a pinker blood). Am I on my period or could I be pregnant? I'm cramping and nauseous (which could be due to a migraine) and hot. Please just give me peace of mind. I'm not at a point in life to have a kid so is there any chance I'm pregnant or am I just finally adjusting to the pill?