Where to take almost 9 month year old?


I take her out to run errands mostly, shopping and to my mums or aunts house. Or just for random walks to try and get her to sleep. I'm yet to take her to a baby club yet (I will this week coming) and to the park when it's warmer. Other than that we're mostly indoors. I've asked my friends and they were pretty much the same with their kids at this age. No one I've spoke to has attended baby club more than a handful of times for some reason 🤷🏾‍♂️ She isn't walking or crawling yet.

Her dad is making out like we do literally nothing all day, we have a Garden which he is supposed to sort out and hasn't. I feel its very hypocritical for him to point the finger when on his days off he doesn't make an effort to do anything with her either even at home.