Leaving baby...

Just need some advice and a place to vent. Have any of you left your baby overnight yet? When? My boyfriend and i were invited to a wedding and I thought it might be a nice opportunity for us to have some fun. He said his mom could watch her and I said I’d only be ok with it if she stayed at our place to watch her because she lives an hour away. He seemed all annoyed and perplexed as to why I would think that way. But I was like sorry I’m just not ok with her being that far away from me yet. Plus all her stuff is at our house. If she wants to spend time with her then I don’t see the big deal. We never asked her for anything before. Anyway I already knew his thoughts about it but I saw how he asked his mom via text and said it was stupid how I didn’t wanna be far away from her. I just think that’s rude of him and I’m hurt by it. He hasn’t even watched her by himself for more than a few hours. So I guess I cant expect him to understand?? I don’t think I’m being unreasonable but at this point I’m like forget it I’ll just stay home with her and you go! What do you all think??