Finally it has happened!! Sorry for the long post


My husband and I were trying for a baby for over two years and nothing was happening. Last year around April 2018 we experienced our first faint positive pregnancy test. Only to find out a few days later we experienced a chemical pregnancy. I felt like it was a cruel joke. We continued to try to conceive but we never got another positive. We decided to go to a fertility specialist and make sure we were both okay. When we got the results back, we were both in the clear and was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. We decided to try an <a href="">IUI</a> and still I had doubts about it. I read so many stories from women who tried to conceive longer than we have and their <a href="">IUI</a>’s would fail . My heart broke for those women. There are no words of encouragement that I give to the women that are still struggling with infertility. There are no easy days reading about other women sharing their happy positive pregnancy tests. I was one of those women who kept thinking when will it happen to me when I read someone else’s announcement. I was put on clomid 100mg for five days and went back to the dr office for an ultrasound to make sure I had produced some follicles and they found I had three good follicles. I was then instructed to inject myself with Ovidrel 250mg at 9pm. On the following Monday May 6th I had my <a href="">IUI</a> done, and two weeks later I found out I had the darkest positive test I have ever seen. I called the office and had blood work done. My first hcg number was 308. I then had to go back three days later and my second hcg test was 1,347. I was over the moon! I had to go back four days after that and my numbers were 6,008. It was then that they wanted to give me an early ultrasound and I know around five weeks, there isn’t much to see but when I saw my little sac it felt so unreal. I kept thinking wow it really worked! I have something growing in me!! And I love it so much. I wanted to share my story with you guys. ❤️