Giving up on TTC

Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now and I am ready to give up!! I went to my regular obgyn and she done test in me and said that everything with me looked fine but she wanted to prescribe me with clomid just ti give it a boost,well I took that for 3 months and I found another dr and the 1st time I gonsee her she tells me that I have a cyst on one if my ovaries and wanted to see me again in 2 weeks. I go back to her and she says I have another cyst but she wasn't gonna worry about it because it was small and it could be caused from ovulation. So I started taking ovulation test like she told me and the uest showed that I was ovulating. So my next period was HORRIBLE I've never had a period like I did that time so I started taking ovulation test again and I have not got a positive test yet and I am on cycle day 18!!! I give up