Prodromal labor? 😩

For the past week and half I've been experiencing prodromal labor. Mostly at night I will get contractions anywhere from 5-20 min apart for hours before fizzing out. I've stopped timing them because its just exhausting and I know its not going anywhere.

Taking baths, drinking water, walking, nothing helps. I just have to wait for them to go away on there own. Well the past 2 days they started happening during the day! And getting even more intense with cramping radiating in my lower back and cramping inbetween them as well. I got used them at night but now its happening throughout the day. I know there probably isnt, but asking anyway incase I'm missing something. Is there anything else I can do to either get them to calm down or just turn into real labor. I haven't tried sex, because I read that could just cause more intense contractions probably still leading to nowhere.

Is there anything to either get them to stop or progress? Or do I just have to wait for my body to do its thing?

**Note** I have been dilated to 1, with some thinning for 2 weeks now. Not sure if its changed, getting checked again on Wednesday. Baby is head down into my pelvis, not in an unfavorable position so I dont understand why my body is doing this. Never experienced it with my previous pregnancies. ☹

Thank you mamas!