Just venting


My husband has been a week in bed do to gout. He has a lot of Uric acid in his knee. I took him to the doctor and was told to take 5 days of rest. Thursday he was getting better Friday a lot better and yesterday it started hurting again, and today he can’t get back up. He is in a strict diet at the moment and I just stop at the store And got him all the dark berries I could get... we are stress free thank god l, but at the moment this is what is stressing me out... the highest Uric acid is 8.0 his Uric acid is 7.9 which any little thing can trigger his gout attack and at anytime... I was told garlic can help but I don’t know what’s good or not anymore... No he does not eat any type of meets just chicken breast... he doesn’t drink, smoke or any of those things that can trigger his gout... just venting.