Possible Miscarriage- Blood Warning

Kellie • •Angel Mommy• •Preschool Teacher•

So I had a miscarriage in March. 100% sure my levels were at 0. I bled until mid March. I stopped bleeding the first of April, started bleeding again the 2nd week of April. Bled for 18 Days straight. My midwife and I assume it was just a long post-miscarriage period. My period doesn’t come again in May. Keep expecting it and it never comes. I test. All negative. Last week I got one faint faint faint positive but then the next day and day after negative so I assumed it was an evap or faulty test. I started my period on Thursday and yesterday and today I’ve been having clots as big as the size of my thumbnail, some smaller (like these). It’s also been even more painful than my mc and super heavy (filling my diva cup and a pad within an hour) I feel like I’m having a chemical/mmc. Any thoughts? I don’t know what to think honestly.