No idea what my body is doing


Hello ladies! Super confused by what my body is doing...

So my first pregnancy ended in a MC on April 24th at 5 weeks. A week later my doctor gave me the okay to try again after a cycle. We weren’t totally careful during that month and slipped up once or twice. My cycle seemed to come back normal 29 days after the MC though on 5/24. The period was lighter and only 4 days but the awful cramps were there.

I started using OPK 2 days after my period ended And got positives all week. So finally today I took a pregnancy test because my boobs have been super sore and really I’m just neurotic. Lol. And it’s positive?! I’m totally confused. I used an frer and have two more that I can take tomorrow morning.

So now I’m sitting in my house freaking out debating on when to tell the husband.

Really I’m just venting, so thanks for reading 😊